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Understanding and Using Turntables in Mobility Aid

In this guide, we will explore two types of turntables often used in mobility aid - a cloth-based turntable and a durable plastic turntable. These turntables work on the principle of friction, allowing the upper layer to rotate smoothly over the lower one.

The Cloth-based Turntable

Primarily designed for aiding individuals getting in and out of vehicles, the cloth-based turntable is particularly beneficial for people with hip issues or those who have recently undergone hip surgery. The patient can sit on the turntable, use nearby support such as the steering wheel or door handle to lift themselves, and pivot into the vehicle with relative ease. Once the seatbelt is fastened, the turntable can stay beneath the person until the journey's end.

The Durable Plastic Turntable

The durable plastic turntable, complete with rubber grips for secure placement on surfaces like carpet, is typically used to help an individual rotate while standing. It’s designed to aid in transferring an individual from one seating position to another, like moving from a regular chair to a wheelchair over a longer distance.

Using the Plastic Turntable: A Step-by-Step Guide

Before using the turntable, assess the individual's ability to lift their leg and bear their weight. The turntable is then positioned under the person's feet, with a caregiver acting as an anchor point to stabilise the turntable and provide a steady support for the individual.

The caregiver's role involves providing steady handholds for the person and rotating the turntable gently using their foot. Once the person is aligned with their new seat, they can let go of the caregiver's hands and carefully sit down in the new position. The process is done with care and control to ensure the safety and comfort of the person involved.


Turntables provide a versatile solution to mobility challenges, facilitating easier transitions from one seated or standing position to another. By understanding how to use these devices properly, caregivers can provide effective assistance while promoting independence and comfort for those they care for.